useful blogs

Monday, 10 October 2011

Depth of field assignment 3.

John Hedgecoe.

      This photo is by John Hedgecoe (
In this rarther intresting photo the depth of field is very good it goes right back inbetween the bildings, theres depth between  the lady wearing the coat, the car, the buildings and right back as far as you can see.
The lighting is also very good in this photo the black and white with a bright light shooting down at the lady who looks very confident, the lady has many flowers down by her feet on the floor as she has just done a preformence , there is a very bright spot light shooting down on the lady that gives us even more of an idea that shes just preformed.

Lighting assignment 3.

Annie Leibovitz.

This photo is taken by Annie Leibovitz, she don`t have an offical website, but this is the best i can find (

In this photo the lighting is golden makeing the picture look posh and set in the olden days, in the lighting you can see its abit murky and stuffy. The lighing weave in and out od the people like a snake that sets a atmosphere.
 I like this photo lots, i think it tells a story and makes you wonder whats happening between the lady wearing the big dress and and standing staring at her.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Focal point assingment 3.

Annie Leibovitz.,r:8,s:184

This photo by Annie Leibovitz she doesent have a offical website but this is as close as i can get. ( )

The focal point is very good on this pretty photo, the focal point is the lady in the middle with the darker skin she stands out from all the ladys with the light pinks and whites and also their very pail skin, it also looks like there was a light shooting down to make them look even paler, the colours and persitions the ladys are standing are very feminin.
The lady standing with the dark skin is standing very confidently and wearing a super hero type custume and while the other ladys are wearing pretty dresses.

Just loving the photo!